Our beliefs are centered on the three basic tenants of the Lutheran tradition.
Grace Alone
Faith Alone
Scripture Alone
We believe that we are saved by grace apart from works through faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, as it is revealed in the Holy Scriptures.
We believe that the Scriptures are authoritative for a life of faith and are inerrant in their message of salvation. We acknowledge that there is a rich diversity in the interpretation of scripture among our members and we welcome this diversity as it enriches us and challenges us to study and engage each other in dialogue.
We believe that forgiveness is at the heart of God’s love, and that God fully forgives all who seek it. We believe that the forgiveness that comes from God releases us from our past and frees us to live for the future.
We believe in welcoming all to Holy Communion. Since Lutherans believe in the real presence of Jesus in the sacrament of Holy Communion, we encourage people to come and meet Jesus at the Lord’s Table.
We do not believe that we must achieve universality to achieve unity. Our unity is in Christ Jesus
We do not judge one another’s spiritual journey, and acknowledge that each person’s journey holds value and purpose. We chose to walk beside one another on our journey with Christ seeking to encourage and support each other.
We do not believe that children should be excluded from worship and encourage families to be together during worship. We believe that God put the wiggle in small children, and that we do not need to fix it.
We do not believe that worship needs to be entertaining to be relevant. We follow our rich traditional heritage of liturgy, hymn singing, and relevant sermons to help us live out our lives as faithful servants of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.